Online Daily Journal

Effective anti slip treatment solutions are used throughout a range of industries for their enhanced grip benefits. However, few people are aware that these products are also greatly advantageous in environments with a concern for sanitation.

There are a great many institutions which need to carefully consider how each element of their building impacts the people who use it. Hospitals for example need to do everything they can to minimise the risk of infection spreading. Here there are lots of sick people in close quarters, and so cleanliness and hygiene is a top priority. Invasive surgery also needs complete sterilisation if it is to be successful. Retirement villages are another site of high risk. The elderly can be at higher risk of contracting sicknesses, and the consequences of illness can be more serious in this population. Again, a large number of people in close proximity is always a risk if even one person is ill.

Apply and wash off methods of anti slip flooring has been shown to discourage of the build-up of bacteria. Other treatments which are a layer of chemical which remains on the floor are not as effective. In fact, these have the potential to harbour bacteria when the layer begins to peel as it inevitably will. There is a common misconception that because non-slip treatments add grip to the floor, that they will be not as easy to clean to a high standard. In fact, the opposite is true. By adding a smooth, seamless surface to the floor, there is nowhere for germs to hide or catch.

It is highly advised that a commercial grade disinfectant is used as a regular cleaning product. It should be noted that while disinfectant kills existing bacteria and germs, antiseptic prevents future growth to some extent. A thorough clean should be performed before application of the floor treatment, and then in regular intervals afterward. When maintained and cared for in this fashion, your flooring treatment is guaranteed to last a minimum of five years.

Talk to your floor treatment provider about what products they recommend/stock that are suitable for cleaning your particular floor. You will need to consider both the floor material itself, as well as the likely stains and conditions that it will encounter. In a hospital for example, there may be spills of chemicals, bodily fluids and food. Wheelchairs and stretchers may also mean lots of rubber marks on the floor that need to be cleaned off. Kitchen areas by contrast will be in almost constant contact with food, oil and grease, which will warrant a different type of cleaner altogether.

Anti slip flooring is also a popular choice in public pools. Not only are these areas almost constantly wet, but there is the added health risk of everyone being in bare feet. Pools are notorious for catching things such as warts and tinea. While non slip flooring will not totally address this issue, it will perform better than regular tiling in battling the spread of fungal infection.

As well as reducing bacteria, there is of course the serious benefit of reducing the incidence of slips and falls. Anti slip flooring is recommended in these kinds of situations by OH&S regulations. Choose the flooring solution that will dramatically improve the health and safety of customers or people under your care. If you would like a full list of the research conducted on non slip flooring, you can talk to your local provider. Please contact Step Solve at for more anti slip treatment information or expert cleaning and hygiene tips.
