May be you have moved into a new house which has a he stump in front of it. Or maybe your beloved maple has died and all which remains is a huge stump. Either way you need to think if you actually need to hire the stump removal services. The dead trees in Melbourne may become quite hazardous as well as irritating along with being unsightly especially when they start to root.

You may call in the professionals for this process and look forward to a safe, smooth lawn.

Stump Removal Melbourne

The aesthetic considerations

Just imagine your yard extending out before your green and lush garden full of flowers. Now imagine a huge tree in the centre of the idyllic scene. It is not so good anymore. The tree remains may help in making your land just look like unkempt as well as neglected.

They may even bring down value of the house as well as first impression which people may have about your house. In front of the commercial space they may even make the business look unattractive like owners cannot be bothered for considering how they represent their office, store or restaurant to the whole world.

To get rid of the remains shows that you take care of the space outdoors. tree removal may even clear out the way for the new landscaping and construction.

Health and safety considerations

Beyond being ugly and unsightly, the tree remains can even be hazardous for the health of your loved ones and your family who lives in the property. People may not be able to see them under foot for the business owners and home owners alike may result in lawsuit.

The kids may try playing around remains and get injured. Meanwhile, the rotting tree remains attract a lot of pests as well as vermin and you definitely do not wish the carpenter termites, ants or other creatures to take up the residence close to your commercial space or home. So, removing the tree remains is an answer to all the issues.

How this process works

Whether you are removing a tree and wish to remove the tree remains afterwards or you’ve a stump which has been in that spot for such a long time, the whole process of eradicating it’s the same. A lot of professionals employ different methods of grinding with the help of a machine for grinding the wood till it is even with earth all around it. While roots remain under the ground, you may also plant some grass over the top of where the tree remains were there and enjoy a flat and smooth lawn. The underground roots in the meantime would naturally decay over time.

Hiring professionals for conducting stump removal process is quite easy for improving the safety as well as appearance of your yard in Melbourne.


Stump Removal is a process which becomes indispensable when you have tree remains in front of your house. It is important to remove the tree remains not just for aesthetically improving the appearance of a house in Melbourne but also for the safety of your house and your family.