Online Daily Journal

Getting your carpet wet is a common problem to deal with. Many a time even a small flood can be devastating. Water logging can wet your carpet and get a mouldy smell. Thus it is very essential to restore the carpet after such a flood. Flood restoration is essential mainly for the heath purpose.

Carpet cleaning can be done either personally or by professionals. Wet carpet Melbourne cleaning companies help to restore the carpet without discarding them. They have their own techniques to make them fresh again. But to restore them personally can be tougher one. Here are some tips to get rids of the wet and mouldy carpet.

 Simple steps to get the carpet dried

Find some easy ways to make the carpets usable again and drying it with some easy process.

  • Remove the water as soon as possible to prevent mold growth. With the increasing mold growth a foul smell will pollute the entire air around. Wet vac can be used to remove the water from the carpet.
  • Put the air conditioning level to the coldest. This will decrease the humidity level.
  • Proper airflow through the carpet can decrease the smell and also help to dry it. Speeding fans can be helpful in such step. Hire high speeding fans which can be helpful.
  • Steam cleaning is another way to make the fresh air flow and dry them.
  • If you want to get rid of the mold, kill them with the borax. They will destroy the mold spores being gentle on the carpet fabric.
  • Diatomaceous earth is such a substance which absorbs the humidity and helps in drying. Sometimes known as the cat sand, it can absorb the smell too. Get it from any suppliers and use it for the cleaning purpose.
  • Sanitising of the carpets and other home parts is essential for healthy environment. Drying of wet carpet must include sanitising

In many professionals companies, they make use of such process as for example by wet carpet Melbourne cleaning. Professionals have other techniques too to dry them faster. In case you cannot do it yourself call up the professionals for the process to done faster.

How to deal with the carpets at odd places?

Carpets are being used at many places. They are used in rooms, cars and even wall to wall. Most of these are having padding. Improper drying can damage the padding and carpets have to be removed permanently. The above steps are helpful in any case of such carpet. In case one can remove the carpet, it is best to hang them outside and dry it.

Get the carpet cleaned by the insurance companies

Wet carpet cleaning can be tough one in any case. Many homes have insurance which also covers the carpet cleaning. Professional of wet carpet Melbourne cleaning works under the insurance companies. Along with the carpet cleaning, they also check out the other furniture and other building portion.
