Sometimes, the best way to stop a heart is with a very unexpected one. In other words, even if you’re too late, you might be able to save your loved one’s life. The sudden stopping of a beating heart is called a “cardiac arrest” because it typically happens in the chest, often right where you’d imagine being most comfortable. It’s almost cliché, but it’s also very true — cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops. This is when the CPR course Brisbane becomes a great help. In other words, even if you’re not close by, you can still help save someone’s life.

What to do if you think your loved one has had a cardiac arrest

If you think your loved one has had a cardiac arrest, there are a few things you can do. First, call 911. This is the most important number to reach out to and ask for Help. If you have an emergency code, use it. When the police arrive, tell them what happened, who your loved one is, and any other important information. You can also try calling a heart monitor or defibrillator. These devices will help the doctors determine whether your loved one has had a heart attack and if they need to be rushed to the hospital.


CPR is one of the most important skills a firefighter or EMT can have. CPR is used to help the person who has stopped breathing and can also be used to save someone’s life if they are choking on their own vomit or if they have a heart attack. Better to consider getting a CPR Course Brisbane.

CPR course Brisbane

The best way to assist in a cardiac arrest

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but here are a few tips that can help you survive a cardiac arrest in just 60 seconds:

1. Stay calm and focused. If you feel like you’re losing control, it’s important to stay calm and focus on ensuring your loved ones are safe. By doing this, you will help prevent any traumatic reactions from happening.

2. Get medical attention as soon as possible If you see someone who seems to be having a heart attack, try to get them the medical attention that they need as soon as possible. This will not only save their life but also prevent any further damage from happening to their body.

3. Use a CPR Manual If you know how to use CPR, do so! If not, learn how to do it quickly and easily with this comprehensive guide.

Where to even begin in the event of a cardiac arrest

If you’re in any way connected to a loved one who has just had a cardiac arrest, the first thing you need to do is get as close to them as possible. This means being in the same room, even if it’s just a few feet. If you can, try and remain calm and collected so that you can help as much as possible. Next, start CPR. This will help restart the heart and keep it going for as long as possible. If you don’t have taken a CPR course Brisbane, someone else should teach you how to do it properly.

CPR is important because when the heart stops, blood flow to the brain decreases significantly. This can lead to a coma or even death if left untreated. If you have any questions about what to do in the event of a cardiac arrest, talk to your doctor or paramedic. Together, they will be able to provide more specific instructions. Finally, if you have the opportunity, try and get into another room or bathroom where you can call for Help. This will ensure that someone is there when they need it and that your loved ones are taken care of while they’re still alive.

The bottom line

If you’re ever in a situation where you think your loved one may have had a heart attack, the first thing you should do is call an ambulance. If you’re not able to reach an ambulance, the best thing to do is get as close as possible to the scene. This way, you can help check on your loved one and provide CPR if needed.