Let’s face it. You’re reading this article because you need help with your SaaS product support. Maybe you’re the head of customer success and want to learn more.

Or maybe you’re a user who just wants their problem solved by someone who knows what they’re doing. Either way, we’ve got some tips for finding that perfect SaaS product support specialist for your needs!

Determine key traits you’re looking for.

You want to find someone who can work well with others and independently, but also on a team. The right candidate should be able to work quickly and efficiently, but also have the capability for deep analysis when needed. They’ll need to be able to interact with customers, as well as the product team (which will often be your own).

You’ll need someone who has experience working in this field before–ideally at least one year–and preferably more than two years’ worth of experience in software support roles such as SaaS or cloud computing. 

It’s also helpful if they’ve had previous experience working remotely or telecommuting jobs before; this will make it easier for you both during the interview process because there won’t be any surprises when it comes time for them to start working remotely full-time after being hired by your company!

Review the number of Support Specialists you have.

The next step is to review the number of saas product support specialists you have. If you don’t have enough, then it’s time to hire. If you have too many, then consider outsourcing some of your support needs.

If your team is in good shape and can handle all of your customer service needs without getting overwhelmed or bogged down by too much work (in which case it makes sense for them to outsource some), then this is where we get into what kind of customer service software would be best for them!


Be aware that growth opportunities remain open for recruiting.

One of the most important things to note is that there are many opportunities for growth. The SaaS industry is booming, and as it continues to grow, so too will the need for more support specialists. This means that those who are entering this field now have an excellent chance of finding work in their desired area of expertise–and even getting promoted within it!

First and foremost, it’s important to know what you want from your support specialists. Make a list of the skills and qualities you feel are most important for this position, as well as what kind of personality is best suited for it. This way, when you begin interviewing candidates, you can make sure they have everything on your list before offering them the job

. While it may seem like a minor detail, making sure your support staff has the right tools is crucial. Your customers will be frustrated if they can’t get help from the company when they need it most, so make sure that all of your support specialists have access to their own computers and phones for convenient communication with customers.


In the end, finding the right product support specialist for your team can be a challenge. You may have to look through multiple resumes and interviews before finding someone who fits your company culture, or even the job description. 

But with these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be able to find that perfect candidate in no time!