Skips bins are a great way to get rid of your rubbish. They’re convenient and easy to use, and you can often hire one for a day or two without any problems at all. However, there are some skip bin myths that people believe about using Skip bin Adelaide that aren’t true—and these can really affect your waste removal experience!

You can put anything in a skip bin

You can’t put anything in a skip bin that doesn’t belong there. You may be tempted to think that because there’s a skip bin, you can throw away anything and everything you want, but this isn’t true. There are many types of waste that can’t be disposed of in a skip bin, including:

  • Waste paper and cardboard (including magazines)
  • Office furniture and computers
  • Household appliances such as TVs and computer monitors
  • Building materials such as bricks, concrete blocks, roofing tiles, or timber (even if they’re broken).

The larger the better

The larger the skip bin, the more it costs. If you have a large amount of rubbish and live in an area where there are no recycling centers, hiring a larger Skip bin in Adelaide may be the best option. However, this is not always the case. In fact, most homes only need to hire small skips because they produce a small amount of waste. If your household produces large amounts of rubbish on a regular basis then consider hiring two smaller skips instead of one large one; this will save you money and space at your home or business premises.

Skip Bins Adelaide

Plastic can be recycled in a skip bin

It’s true that plastic can be recycled. But it’s not accepted in skip bins, for one reason: the recycling process is more expensive than just sending it to a landfill. Instead, you should take your plastic to your local recycling center or ask them about drop-off points in your area.

When plastic is recycled, it goes through a process called “extrusion”. The end result is pellets that are processed into new products like rope and carpet fibers (it also helps reduce greenhouse gases released by factories). When you think of something like drinking straws being made from old drink bottles—that’s a good example of how plastics are transformed into something else entirely!

Skips bins are cheap to hire

The price of a skip bin depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the skip and where you are hiring it from. In general, the cost per tonne will be lower in rural areas than in urban areas as there are fewer transportation costs. If your waste is collected by a local government service (such as kerbside collection), then you may also be eligible for some state government rebates which can help reduce your overall cost.

If you want to save money on your skip bin hire, consider hiring one for a longer or shorter duration than usual or getting one that is smaller than usual – this will reduce both the amount of waste and therefore costs associated with collection and disposal.

Hiring a skip bin is easy and convenient.

When it comes to disposing of waste, skip bins are by far the simplest and most convenient method. They allow you to throw out your trash without having to worry about moving it anywhere. This means that you don’t have to deal with taking everything away yourself—the bin company will do that for you! Skip bins also save a lot of time because they don’t require any kind of preparation beforehand and can be booked online in just minutes.


In conclusion, skips bins are a very convenient way to dispose of your rubbish. They are easy to use and there are many companies who offer this service. The only downside is that they tend to be quite expensive compared to other methods of waste disposal such as dumpsters or trash trucks but with careful planning, you can save money by choosing the right Skip bin Adelaide company for your needs.