Online Daily Journal

There are many signs that your water heater is going bad. Some of them will be obvious, like a pool of water under your water heater. But some might be subtle—you may start noticing you’re running out of hot water more quickly than you used to. This can help determine if your current unit is the cause of the problem (and not poor plumbing or something else). It could also help you decide whether to repair it or go ahead with a hot water replacement Adelaide-wide.

  1. Loud noises

Something may be wrong with the water heater, and if so, you will need to replace it. You may not be able to hear the hum of your water heater, but you should listen to loud noises. If you notice any strange sounds coming from your water heater or plumbing system, contact a professional hot water replacement Adelaide-wide service expert right away to have them check things out.

  1. High water bills

If you start seeing a high water bill, it may be time to consider replacing your old water heater.

  • Check for leaks in the home and ensure no fixtures are leaking by turning them on and watching for the telltale signs.
  • Check your energy use over the last few months by looking at your past bills. If there has been an increase in energy costs around the same time as when you started seeing higher than normal water usage, this is a strong indicator that something is wrong with your current hot water system.
  • Do some research online or look at other postings from similar people who have experienced issues with their water heaters (such as those on Reddit). You might find someone else who had a similar problem and was able to solve it themselves by replacing or repairing their old heating system rather than calling out professionals every time something went wrong with theirs too!

Hot Water Replacement Adelaide

  1. Rusty water

If the water from your faucet is rusty, then it’s time to make an appointment with a professional hot water replacement Adelaide-wide service expert. The rust signifies that the water heater is old and not working properly. You can test this by taking a pot of water from your tap and putting it on high heat for five minutes. If the water boils without incident, there’s no need to worry. However, if you see red or orange flakes in the bottom of your pot when you take it off heat, then there’s something wrong with your system—probably not just because you put too much salt in last night’s dinner!

  1. Pilot light trouble

You should have a pilot light on your water heater. A pilot light is a flame that heats the water in your tank. It should be lit at all times and should not be out for more than a few minutes at a time. If you notice that your pilot light will go out, it’s a good idea to start shopping around for a new water heater.

When you turn on your faucet and no hot water comes out, this is usually because there isn’t enough pressure going into your system to keep the pipes full of hot water when someone turns on their faucet next door or upstairs. This can happen if someone has recently flushed an entire toilet (or two) down with full force into one pipe, which could cause it to back up with too much pressure from time to time, so make sure everyone knows how important it is not just flush once or twice when they’re done!

Hot Water Replacement Adelaide

  1. Age of the heater

While the average lifespan of a water heater is 8 to 12 years, it’s important to know that many factors affect the life expectancy of your water heater. Some of these factors include:

  • Water quality (especially high levels of minerals, which can cause corrosion)
  • The number of hot showers you take each day
  • In addition to age, other things like hard water and low-flow fixtures can also contribute to shorter lifespans for your appliance.
  1. Foul odor in the water

If you notice a foul odor in your water, it could signify that you need to replace your water heater. The smell may be caused by bacteria, mold, or even rust inside the tank. These issues can leech into your home’s plumbing system and cause serious damage to pipes and fixtures if left unchecked.

When you notice a foul smell coming from your faucets, it’s time to start shopping around for new models!


If you are experiencing any signs that you need to shop for a new water heater, contact your local hot water replacement Adelaide-wide service expert immediately!
