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If you’re suffering from back pain and looking for relief, you may think that visiting your doctor or another medical specialist is the best option. Although this can be true in some cases, there are several situations where a best Chiropractor Christchurch appointment can be the right choice over other options. Here are a few reasons to see a chiropractor if you’re dealing with back pain.

What Is a Chiropractor?

The field of chiropractic medicine combines both alternative and conventional medical treatments. The name comes from Greek, meaning done by hand. For many people, chiropractic treatment is viewed as an alternative to surgery and medication. In most cases, it’s safe and low-risk, with only mild discomfort involved. Although more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness, there’s evidence that certain chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate back pain and neck pain as well as treat other conditions like whiplash injuries in car accidents.

Choosing the Right One

If you’re in chronic pain and need relief, the odds are that chiropractic care is at least worth considering. In fact, research suggests that more than three-quarters of people with low back pain who try spinal manipulation report at least some short-term improvement. But there’s no evidence of long-term effects—and plenty of reasons to proceed with caution. Spinal manipulation can cause injury if done improperly and may lead to worsening back pain over time, possibly because spinal manipulation can lead to new disc problems and vertebral bone spurs. That doesn’t mean it isn’t effective for many people; it just means you have to be aware of risks and consider them when deciding whether or not to get manipulated.

Types of Treatment

Chiropractor Christchurch

When you have back pain, you may think of going to your physician or an orthopaedic surgeon. While these are viable options, there’s another type of health care professional who can also help alleviate your discomfort: chiropractors. In fact, many people find relief from low-back pain through chiropractic treatment. Here are some things to know about chiropractic care and how it might benefit your recovery time when suffering from back pain.

Benefits Of A Good Chiropractic Visit

After an accident or injury, a visit to your Chiropractor Christchurch is not only recommended but imperative. As with any type of injury, if it’s serious enough to get you taken to the hospital, it’s serious enough to have your primary care physician refer you out. The benefit of seeing a chiropractor is that they can treat much more than back pain. They can help alleviate headaches, migraines and neck pain as well. If you’re suffering from back pain and want relief, look no further than your local chiropractic clinic!

Final Thoughts

If you’re back is giving you pain, it’s important to see your doctor first, who can determine if you have serious medical issues that need attention. If there isn’t any major medical issue and your back pain seems more mechanical in nature (e.g., degenerative discs), it’s likely that seeing a Chiropractor Christchurch will be of value to you. Don’t be scared! While chiropractic adjustments might seem scary or uncomfortable at first, they should not hurt—and can often provide powerful relief from symptoms related to mechanical-type back issues. Make sure you check with your primary care physician before starting any treatments, especially if you take regular medication or have had previous operations on your spine.
