The terms “traffic management plan” and “temporary traffic management plan” (abbreviated “TMP” or “TTMP”) refer to a group of documents that describe the recommended actions to be taken to protect the health, safety, and integrity of road users and workers while construction is underway. It is utilised by Traffic Control Company in Melbourne to work on various aspects of traffic control.
This blog, it is highlighted why your business needs a traffic management plan.
- Reducing the risk of any incidents with workers and the public.
A Traffic Control Company Melbourne, with the help of TMP, will also reduce the risk of any incidents with workers and the public. It can help you to identify potential problems and develop solutions for them so that you can prevent accidents, strikes, protests or riots from happening. This is especially important if there are any safety issues in your workplace, such as:
- Risks associated with fire or explosion
- Risk of falling objects onto people working in an area where there is no safety netting installed
- It is necessary for construction sites.
It is necessary for construction sites to have a traffic management plan in place. You will need to know the number of employees, their names and addresses, their work schedules and other relevant information about them so that you can manage their movement around your site safely.
- If it’s not done correctly, you will end up having an accident
If you’re not careful, your traffic management plan will end up being a big waste of time and money.
It’s important that your TMP is well-written and covers all aspects of your business from start to finish. If you don’t do it right, then someone could get hurt in an accident because they didn’t know what was going on around them at all times—or worse yet, they might think that every vehicle on their road had been given permission by someone else (and therefore were allowed).
In fact, accidents can happen even if there are no signs or markings indicating that it’s okay for an unauthorised vehicle to travel down another person’s roadway!
- To minimise the risk of any accidents happening.
A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a document that describes the traffic management arrangements for a construction site. It’s used to minimise the risk of any accidents happening by giving workers and the clear public instructions on when they can use certain areas on or near your property.
A TMP is required by law from Traffic Control Company Melbourne and must be submitted to planning authorities when you apply for planning permission to build or modify anything at all on your land.
Significant problems may result from a TMP that is not complete and compliant. If they are not put together properly, these might cause projects to be delayed and serious disruptions. Even worse, a subpar TMP may result in an accident, injury, or worse.