Are you planning a trip to Cape York and wondering which attractions are a must-see? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the top attractions that should be on your list when visiting Cape York on one of the incredible small group tours of cape york has to offer. From stunning natural landmarks to rich cultural experiences, Cape York has something for everyone. Let’s dive in!

The Tip of Australia: Cape York Peninsula

Your Cape York tour wouldn’t be complete without venturing to the northernmost tip of Australia. Stand at the very tip and witness the meeting of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This iconic location offers breathtaking views and is a perfect spot for a memorable photo. Don’t forget to take a moment to soak up the significance of being at the ‘Top End’ of Australia.

The Magnificent Great Barrier Reef

No trip to Cape York would be complete without experiencing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef. Take a boat tour and explore this world-famous UNESCO World Heritage Site. Immerse yourself in the vibrant coral gardens, swim alongside tropical fish, and marvel at the colourful marine life. Whether you’re a snorkeler or a scuba diving enthusiast, the Great Barrier Reef is an absolute must-visit.

Quinkan Country Aboriginal Rock Art

Cape York is home to an extraordinary collection of Aboriginal rock art sites known as Quinkan Country. Embark on a tour with experienced guides who will share the cultural significance and history behind these ancient artworks. Explore the galleries of rock art, depicting the stories and legends of the Indigenous people who have inhabited the region for thousands of years.

small group tours of cape york

Cape York’s National Parks

Cape York boasts an extensive network of national parks, each offering unique landscapes and wildlife. Some must-visit parks include the Jardine River National Park, Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park, and the iconic Iron Range National Park. Explore lush rainforests, towering waterfalls, and rugged bushland. Keep an eye out for native wildlife such as crocodiles, kangaroos, and a variety of bird species.

Thursday Island and Torres Strait

Venture off the mainland and take a trip to Thursday Island, the cultural and administrative hub of the Torres Strait Islands. Explore the rich history and heritage of the Torres Strait Islander people, visit art galleries showcasing local artwork, and sample delicious island cuisine. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture and enjoy the stunning island views.

Old Telegraph Track Adventure

For those seeking an adrenaline rush and off-road excitement, the Old Telegraph Track is a must-do. This challenging track takes you through river crossings, rocky terrain, and breathtaking scenery. Be prepared for an adventure of a lifetime as you navigate through challenging sections like the Gunshot Creek and Fruit Bat Falls. This experience is not for the faint of heart!

Learn about Cape York’s History at Cooktown

Finish off your tours Cape York with a visit to Cooktown, a town rich in history. Explore the intriguing combination of Aboriginal, European, and Chinese heritage that shaped Cooktown into what it is today. Visit the Cooktown Museum and learn about the region’s fascinating past, including Captain Cook’s visit to the area. Take a stroll along the scenic waterfront and indulge in delicious local seafood.


In conclusion, Cape York offers an abundance of must-see attractions that cater to a variety of interests. From the natural beauty of the Great Barrier Reef and national parks to the cultural significance of Aboriginal rock art and Torres Strait Islander heritage, there is something for everyone. Embark on one of the amazing tours Cape York has to offer, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Start planning your Cape York adventure today!