If your pet has a habit of rolling around on the grass, then you’ve probably noticed that he leaves behind some unsightly brown spots on your lawn. If this happens often enough, it can compromise the health of your plants and make them more vulnerable to disease. The solution? Fake Grass Melbourne! While there are many benefits to using fake grass for pets (it’s not just for dog owners anymore!), we’ll focus on two major ones here: no pesticides or fertilizers are required, and it’s highly durable

Highly Durable Fake Turf

There are a few things you need to know about the durability of Fake Grass Melbourne. First, it’s made of polyethylene, which is super durable and flexible. It can withstand rain, snow and sun exposure without warping or discoloring your lawn’s appearance—which means that it’s perfect for pets! When it comes to hot summers and cold winters, the only thing you’ll have to worry about is keeping up with pet accidents by cleaning off their paws after playtime on the grass (this may be more difficult than you thought). Also, unlike real grasses that require maintenance every week or two depending on how often they are walked on by animals or kids playing soccer games on them all day long without stopping once in a while just so they don’t get too tired from running around everywhere.

No more dog spots on your lawn

Durability: Fake grass is more durable than real grass, so you don’t have to worry about it getting torn up by your pets. Your pet will be able to run around on the lawn without worrying about digging holes for themselves or tearing up the turf. Cleanable: Since fake grass doesn’t require any pesticides or fertilizers, you can wipe away any dog spots on a whim. Just get out your mop and bucket and give it a good scrub down!

Easy to maintain

You might have heard that fake grass is good for your pets, but you probably didn’t know why. It’s because you won’t have to water, mow, fertilize or apply pesticides or chemicals on the surface of the Field Turf lawn! As a pet owner myself (I have two dogs and four cats), I can tell you that there are many perks to having an artificial grass lawn instead of real grass. One major benefit is that it saves time—no more watering or mowing required! This means more time spent with your furry friends rather than doing yard work. And since Fake Turf Melbourne doesn’t require fertilizers or pesticides for maintenance, there aren’t any harmful chemicals being used in our environment either!

No pesticides or fertilizers are required.

We know that pet owners want to keep their pets healthy. But what many of them don’t realize is that pesticides and fertilizers are harmful to the environment and can lead to serious health problems in humans. When it comes to fake grass, you don’t need those chemicals!


As you can see, fake grass by FieldTurf Landscape is the perfect solution for pets and pet owners. It’s durable enough to withstand constant use, and it won’t leave stains on your real lawn. Plus, it’s easy to maintain—all you have to do is sweep off any debris with a broom or leaf blower occasionally. With this type of fake grass available, there will be no more worries about what your pets might do on your lawn!