Online Daily Journal

The world is growing rapidly and is getting converted into a closely knit society. In this increasingly connected society, it has become very important to build a social media presence. Social networking has now gained immense importance like Personal Facebook profiles, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These sites have provided a common platform for formal as well as informal interactions with not only students but also to professionals. However, even regular updating cannot facilitate and equip an individual with the tools and techniques that a businessman needs when developing a social media strategy for his/her budding business.

Whether an individual operates a brick-and-mortar company or an online business, the thoughtful application of social media not only increases the visibility of the business but also the profits and the number of customers.

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“The key to the successful implication of social media linkage is linking the social media activity of the businessman with the business strategy”

The media, which gain popularity, becomes a preference for all the businesses, but it is not necessary that all businesses can benefit from the same source. Enhancing your social media use means picking the platforms and practices that can be emerging to be as profitable for your business in the long run.

Every organization must have pre-defined goals for using the social media. The location, purpose, and size of your business will naturally affect the social media goals. However, it may also be used to drive lead generation or e-commerce purchases, increase company credibility, increase the quantity of feedback that they receive from customers and leads etc. Whenever possible, it should be tracked that how the social media use influences the lead flow and customer conversion rate.

Once the social media outlets that best fit the business strategy are decided, the businessman should develop a comprehensive plan for the content that is to be posted. A systemized approach is important when developing the content plan, as this will allow maintaining organization and consistency when sharing across various social channels. The businessman should determine how frequently he will post, how he will quantify the results of his postings, and how he will attain maximum reach with the strategy formulated.

It is not only the social media on which the presence of the business is important, but this presence needs to be highlighted as well. A formation of a website is not enough. Every business which has a virtual operation has to go for mass marketing as well to make its users and customers aware of its virtual presence.

Many other upcoming sources of social media are there. Some of them are WhatsApp, hike, WeChat and many more. All these sources are used for not only making people aware of the virtual presence but also for promotional purposes. Many new schemes can be launched with awareness about the same to their potential and current customers.

These are the most cost-efficient ways of promotion. It helps in covering a wider range of customer in shorter time duration. It has gained a wide range of popularity amongst all small and medium scale business firms.
