Online Daily Journal

Taking care of horses is quite easy when compared to foals. It’s crucial to pay special attention to foal’s diet in the first few weeks of its life. If you want your foal to be stronger and healthier, you must consider every health aspect and diet element.

So when you think about horse pallets for a foal, consider below tips.

Horse Pallets


Proper feeding management should be the primary goal for providing stronger immunity to the young foal, especially when these are the first few months after birth. This is the time to build better immunity and let the foal’s each body part function adequately. Most of the immune system of a foal is situated near intestines and by boosting that you are promoting gut health and development. However, this task is multi-faceted as it involves environmental pathogen control and herd health in addition to nutritional support in the form of prebiotics or probiotics and some active nutrients such as butyric acid. So include all of these in your foal’s diet to provide stronger immunity.

Nutrient Intake

For long-term structural soundness, it’s crucial to ensure that your every nutrient is involved in your foal’s diet. Therefore, the pregnant broodmare must be fed and managed accurately so that the foal is born healthy and has all the nutrients that promote better growth during the first few weeks. However, there’s a variety of variation between foals as they age as they start a serious interest in consuming forage and feed. Some foals will consume feed daily and others might take a few weeks to notice that there are other things to consume other than mother’s milk.

The foal meal must include vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support ligament, tendon, muscle development, and bone.

Herd Heath

Horse feed

It’s important to limit the exposure of your foal to the outside horses as you don’t have any idea what unknown diseases they might be having. As your foal’s immunity is still building, you never know how and when they get affected by other horses in your herd or outside of the herd horses. Therefore, it’s important that you not just take care of the foal but your entire herd as well. You should provide them with vaccines on-time so that all your farmhouses are safe form the viruses and common diseases.

Social Skills and Exercise

Apart from providing a healthy diet, it’s crucial to pay attention to physical health and socialization. Your foal’s physical exercise defines its athletic capabilities. Moreover, you should work on your foal’s social interactions as well because some horses of age 3-4 years when first come in contact with other horses don’t know how to react and get panicked. So let your foal grow stronger and acquire better social skills.

Wrapping Up

  • All you need to provide to your foal is:
  • Plenty of exercises
  • Nutritious horse food
  • Better healthcare
  • Effective immunity
  • Nutrition in the feed and of the broodmare
  • Proper social skills
  • Healthy Herd

So follow this guide and provide your foal what’s right for it.
