Online Daily Journal

It’s common for people to be at odds with law enforcement and find themselves being unfairly dealt with in court. While you’re certainly entitled to legal assistance at that point, it’s no secret that not everyone gets the help that they need, as Smiddy-Brown Legal would attest.

Even if a lawyer is presented to you, he or she might not be capable of handling your case or have your best interest at heart. So if you have the resources to seek legal representation on your own terms, you should absolutely do so.

However, with your innocence at stake, this is an instance where you very much need to weigh your options and make informed choices about who you hire.

Experience – Avoid the Rookies

This doesn’t necessarily have to do with education. Keep in mind that a newly-graduated law student might have ample knowledge to help you if that were all that’s needed. However, serving as a public defender in criminal cases is a stressful and demanding job. If they have their work cut out for them, freshmen lawyers are not the way to go.

You need to hire someone whose years of legal expertise have left them with sufficient know-how of the legal system, how it works, and how to navigate it efficiently.

Dedication – Do They Care About You?

When you hire a legal representative for your criminal case, you need to make sure that they aren’t indifferent to your needs or don’t have the commitment needed to help exonerate you.

When the prosecution and potentially the jury, police, and, in some cases, even your family, are firmly against you, your lawyer should prioritize themselves as your last hope, considering the fact that they might be exactly that.

Even if a lawyer agrees to help you, they won’t be of any use to you if they’re dealing with a dozen other clients or defendants at a time. So when making a choice, try to find someone willing to devote their undivided time and resources to your legal assistance.

Trustworthiness – Is Their Help of Any Use?

Lawyers certainly have a less than stellar reputation when it comes to their methods. If you’re innocent, you need to be confident that your lawyer will do everything in their power to get the desired results in a fair and legal manner.

If at any point you have concerns that your case is being handled, your barrister should entertain those concerns to your satisfaction, or at the very least reassure you that everything is being handled properly.

This means that, for instance, if you’re not guilty but the odds are stacked against you, your lawyer’s first impulse shouldn’t be to suggest pleading guilty for a reduced sentence. Even if that option is available as a last resort, your barrister must go out of their way to establish your innocence unequivocally despite legal obstacles.

Assess Your Financial Situation

Good lawyers might be expensive but ignoring qualified help for monetary reasons might not be the best step you can take here. Not all legal representatives are in the position of offering their services for free given their methods or resources.

By paying your lawyer as is fair, or even what you believe they’re worth despite your limited budget, you do more than keep your end of the deal. Investing in their service indicates to your defender how much you trust them, which for them is a great incentive to handle your case to the best of their abilities.


Finding the perfect legal help at a reasonable price with the guarantee that your legal needs will be met comprehensively is not always easy. If you feel that the system isn’t working for you, contacting firms like Smiddy-Brown Legal is a great way to access affordable representation, with experienced and dedicated lawyers at your disposal.
