Finding the right Family Lawyer Melbourne to represent you during your divorce can be stressful and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! If you need help separating from your spouse, there are several factors you should consider in selecting a good family lawyer. To help make the process easier, we’ve created an informative list of tips on how to find the right family lawyer for your unique family situation. Here’s what you need to know!

Step 1: Define What You Need

If you think you’re going to know what kind of lawyer you need before talking with a lawyer, think again. It’s important that you first understand your personal and legal needs before seeking out a lawyer. Here are some questions to help define what kind of representation would be best: 1) What is my budget? 2) Is there any urgency in finding a lawyer? 3) How complex is my case? 4) Am I looking for a generalist or specialist? 5) Do I want an attorney who has experience working with people like me (e.g., same gender, race, age)? 6) Do I want an attorney who has experience working in my state or jurisdiction?

Family Lawyer Melbourne

Step 2: Decide Whether a Local Or Remote Attorney Works Best For You

One of the first things you’ll want to do is decide whether it’s more suitable in your case to hire a local or remote attorney. Choosing a Family Lawyer in Melbourne means that you can meet in person with them, but it also means you will be charged travel expenses and fees for any out-of-town meetings. On the other hand, hiring a remote attorney may save you money on legal fees since they are not required to charge for their time spent traveling. However, there may be some difficulties working with an attorney who lives far away from you.

Step 3: Narrow Down Who You’re Interested In Working With

Now that you have a few options, use Google or LinkedIn (or both) to do some preliminary research. Just like with dating, you want to decide as quickly as possible if someone is worth your time and energy. Don’t be afraid of making phone calls during business hours; if they aren’t interested in talking with you about what you want, it’s best to know sooner rather than later.

Step 4: Work On The Details

Once you have a great title, start writing in some keywords from your outline. For example, if I was writing a post about How To Find The Right Attorney For Your Unique Legal Situation, I would use words like unique and unique legal situation throughout my outline. This will help Google see that you know what you are talking about and that it is relevant to their user base.

Step 5: Trust Your Gut

The decision of who to hire comes down, ultimately, to a matter of trust. When you meet with prospective lawyers, there should be an almost instinctive feeling that they are right for you and your family. If a lawyer gives you any sort of negative or uneasy feeling, do not hire them. The most important factor in choosing a great lawyer is doing what feels comfortable—not what’s expedient or cost-effective—so only go with someone that you have complete faith in.


When you’re facing a divorce or other personal legal challenges, hiring a lawyer can seem like a daunting task. Family Lawyers in Melbourne are not all created equal—it’s important to interview multiple candidates and do some research on their background before committing to one. You may also want to speak with friends and family who have gone through similar experiences; they can give you an honest assessment of what it was like working with different lawyers.