Online Daily Journal

When we think of growing plants, we usually picture them in the ground or maybe in pots. But what about on walls? Vertical gardens are a great way to add greenery to your home without taking up too much space. Its type of wall gardens Melbourne can be used indoors and outdoors, but there are some things that you’ll need to consider before creating one for yourself. In this article, we’ll cover everything from why vertical gardening is so popular right now to how easy it is to install on your own!

What are vertical gardens, and how do they work?

Vertical gardens are a great way to add greenery to your home, office, or school. They’re also known as wall gardens. These kinds of plants are usually kept in pots made out of different materials like plastic, clay, and even metal—and they’re stacked on top of one another to create depth.

Vertical gardens can be used for edging and decorating the outdoors of houses or buildings with plenty of space indoors (such as schools). They’re also used inside homes that don’t have much outdoor space available, so you can still enjoy having different types in your yard while keeping some indoor plants alive too!

wall gardens Melbourne

Benefits of vertical gardens

Vertical gardens are a great way to add greenery to your home. They can be used to grow herbs, vegetables and flowers. Vertical gardens are also a great way to add colour to your home. And if you want privacy, vertical gardens are perfect for this too!

Types of plants that can be used in a vertical garden

Because of their varying heights, these plants will give your vertical garden an organic feel. The variety of succulents, ferns and herbs you can choose from also means that no matter what type of garden you’re trying to create—a fairy tale cottage or a modernist apartment—you’ll be able to find something that fits the bill.

The air plants are another option for those who want a little more colour in their lives: these small-leaved plants don’t need soil but instead grow on rocks or branches. They require very little maintenance (they only need water about once every two weeks), so they’re perfect for those who don’t have much time to spend on gardening.

For those who prefer crops over plants, try out ornamental grasses like pampas grass or switch grass which look great when planted in large pots outside as well as indoors!

How to create a vertical garden?

  • Planting containers

You can start by choosing your container, which will be the base of your wall garden. Containers range in size and style, so pick one that suits your preferences and fits into the space you have available. If you are using a large pot or planter, consider using vertical supports to help support it; otherwise, make sure you have enough space on either side of the pot for watering plants and providing water drainage when necessary. And remember: A container doesn’t need to be just a single material — it can also be made up of several different items such as wood or metal combined with rope or wire mesh for added strength against heavy winds!

  • Planting plants

Maintenance tips for vertical gardens

The right maintenance can go a long way toward keeping your vertical garden thriving. Here are some essential tips:

  • Water your wall garden regularly, but not too much. You want to keep it moist but not soggy.
  • Check the pH level of the soil regularly so you can adjust it if necessary (a pH meter is a good investment). If your plants are growing in soil with a high pH level (7 or higher), they may suffer nutrient deficiencies or become diseased.
  • Remove dead leaves and flowers as they appear so that nutrients aren’t wasted on them instead of going to new growth.
  • Check the roots for signs of disease like black spots on leaves or brown patches around the base of stems; this could indicate a fungal infection that requires treatment before it spreads throughout your whole plant! It’s also important to prune plants from time to time so they don’t get too big; otherwise, they might die back due to overcrowding within their containers!


I hope this post has been helpful in understanding the ins and outs of wall gardens Melbourne. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!
