Ethanol is an option for a wood-consuming chimney. It is otherwise called the bioethanol Fireplaces Australia. This kind of chimney requires the utilisation of bioethanol as the wellspring of warmth delivering no residue and saving you the pressure of tidying up the spot after. It additionally doesn’t need the utilisation of a chimney stack. The items transmitted is simply water and carbon dioxide. It utilises an inexhaustible fuel that is generally produced using corn. 

Pros of Ethanol Fireplace 

  • It gives the home a dash of class and makes the home look more current. They come in various structures and plans, accordingly, you can get one that will impeccably suit your taste and your home. 
  • It is not difficult to utilise and furthermore exceptionally simple to keep up as it doesn’t create residue and remains so cleaning it will not be a very remarkable pressure. 
  • They are truly solid and they keep going for significant periods. This is on the grounds that they are made of solid materials, for example, the strong hardened steel giving it its dependable property. 

The cons of an ethanol chimney 

  • It doesn’t produce essential warmth. This implies that it can’t give the measure of warmth adequate for your space to stay warm. It may very well work in a little estimated room. 
  • It devours oxygen. It is prudent that if your room isn’t very much ventilated, don’t utilise an ethanol chimney. 

Wood Burning Fireplace 

The Wood Heaters is comprised of a space that is either made of blocks, stones or metals that can contain or oblige fire that is being created by a source generally a wood. A great many people like to utilise the wood chimney since they love the smell of wood when it is consuming and the legitimate look of wood when It consumes. A few groups additionally love the popping sound it produces. It is a conventional kind of chimney. 

The Pros of Wood heater

  • When there is no wellspring of power to utilise a warmer, your wood chimney assists with giving the warmth you need. 
  • The kind of wood you need to utilise remains your decision. You can choose to pick a wood that consumes for an extensive stretch of time or wood that consumes for a brief timeframe. 
  • It can give heat that is sufficient for a huge room. 

The cons of a Wood heater

  • It devours oxygen. This is on the grounds that for the fire to continue to consume, oxygen is required. 
  • It is tedious and can likewise be distressing as it expects you to constantly hack woods and furthermore purchase woods. 


Chimneys are simply to keep your home warm and in another manner, they change the vibe of your home. Getting a Fireplaces Australia in your home relies upon your taste and inclination. In the event that you love the sound of wood when it consumes, you can go for a wood chimney. On the off chance that you need your home to look present day and tasteful, you can go for the ethanol chimney.