Online Daily Journal

What is invoice discounting? Invoice discounting is a way of getting cash in advance. The process involves selling your invoices to a third party and taking their money as payment. 

You might have heard this called factoring or invoice financing. In this article we’ll explain what it is – and how it could benefit your business.

How to get invoice discounting

To get invoice discounting, you need to talk to a provider. The provider will consider your business and its needs and decide how much money they can lend you and at what rate of interest.

You can find out more about providers in our section on selecting a suitable invoice finance provider.

Once you have chosen an invoice finance provider, you will be able to submit your invoices and receive money. You can do this via a secure online portal or by using the provider’s mobile app (if they offer one). The process is often very quick and easy, with many providers offering same-day funding.

invoice discounting

Benefits of invoice discounting

In addition to improving your cash flow, invoice discounting can also provide a number of other benefits.

  • Reduce the risk of late payment: If you’re waiting for payment from your customers and they don’t pay on time, it can have an impact on your cash flow and even lead to legal action. This can be avoided with invoice discounting because the lender is providing their own funds for the purchase agreement instead of relying on another party’s ability or willingness to do so. As such, they will ensure payments are made in full before any interest is charged or fees assessed.
  • Improve cash flow: With invoice discounting there’s no waiting around for checks from clients or suppliers–you’ll get paid immediately upon completion of services or delivery of goods.
  • Get paid faster: Invoice discounting allows businesses to get access to capital within 24 hours without having to wait for approval from traditional banks.

The ability to access working capital quickly allows companies with poor credit histories (or no credit history) access funding opportunities previously unavailable through traditional lenders such as banks – making it easier than ever before for small businesses owners who need short-term financing options available now!

Compare invoice discounting providers

  • Use a comparison website.
  • Check the provider’s credentials.
  • Review the terms and conditions of their service, including what you can expect from them in the event that you require further credit or additional funds, or if something goes wrong with your account.
  • Look at their fee structure so you know exactly how much money they will take out of each invoice they discount on your behalf.


If you’re looking for a way to unlock cash flow and gain access to capital, invoice discounting is an ideal solution. It’s quick and easy to set up, so there’s no need to wait before starting the process. Plus, by choosing a provider that offers flexible terms and rates based on your unique needs, you can ensure that your business will receive the best service possible at an affordable price point.
