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At one point or another, most of us have had plumbing issues. Whether you’re dealing with clogged drains or a leaky faucet, it’s always best to leave these problems to the experts. We’re here to tell you why hiring a professional plumber Werribee is always a good idea!

System Leaks

A system leak is, basically, any kind of plumbing problem that’s not directly related to a pipe. When you have a system leak, you’re losing water in your home’s pipes and should expect your water bill to increase. (To give you an idea of how much this costs: A single toilet leak can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day.)

This problem can be tricky to diagnose because it usually happens inside the wall or ceiling behind the fixture that’s leaking—not on the visible part where most people tend to look first. If you suspect an internal leak, first check for signs that something is wrong with your faucets and toilets before considering other areas like basements or crawl spaces. 

You may also want to call in a professional plumber if these issues persist; one who specializes in residential systems repairs will know how best to deal with them once they’ve been identified as potential problems within the system itself rather than just local ones on their own parts within each fixture’s plumbing lines like toilets do when they start running slower than usual due to clogs forming within those lines themselves.

Clogs can sometimes lead up into basements but rarely because they’re too thickly encapsulated by cement barriers between floors so this means there won’t be any leaks occurring anywhere except maybe near where those pipes connect to backflow preventers which are connected onto faucet handles while also being connected onto valves which turn off automatically unless someone opens them manually then close when no longer needed – such as when going down stairs then turning around again without using both hands.

This prevents anyone from opening those valves without disturbing them due to the fact that they’re attached to faucet handles which are connected to backflow preventers; these valves are what’s used to shut off the water from flowing into bathrooms when no longer needed so that people don’t have to keep turning on their taps every time they want to use water. 

Water Pressure Issues

If you’re experiencing low water pressure, there could be a leak somewhere in the system. Check the water pressure gauge and if it’s below 40 psi, look for leaks.

If the pressure is high, check for clogs and remove any debris that may be obstructing the nozzle. If nothing is obstructing it and you still have high pressure, then call a plumber Werribee because there might be something wrong with your pipes or valves. 

If everything seems to be working fine but there’s still low pressure, then you should check whether or not all of your faucets are turned on properly (this will reduce water usage). Once again—if none of these steps work—call a plumber!

Sewage Problems

Sewage backups can be a real pain. They can damage your home, and they can cause health problems that are hard to ignore. If your sewer backup is caused by an obstruction in the pipes, it’s probably safe to try fixing it yourself. But if you’re dealing with sewage backups from a broken pipe or some other problem, call in a professional plumber immediately!

broken pipes

If you see water or sewage coming up through the floor, don’t try to fix it yourself. Call a professional plumber immediately and get them over there as soon as possible.

Water Heat Replacement

If you’re in the market for a new water heater, you should know that it’s important to install one properly. Improperly installed water heaters have the potential to cause fires and serious injuries. For this reason, we recommend hiring an experienced professional when it comes time for a new installation.

If your tankless water heater is malfunctioning, don’t try to fix it yourself. Not only will doing so void your warranty, but it can also be dangerous if done improperly or with faulty parts.

Underground leaks

If you suspect your pipes are leaking, there are a few things to do before attempting to fix the problem yourself. First, you’ll want to locate the leak by using a pressure gauge (which will help minimize water loss) and checking for broken or cracked pipes. If you find that there is indeed a leak in your system, try using an infrared camera to pinpoint its location. 

Once you’ve discovered where it is and what caused it, use specialized equipment such as pipe locators and cameras before beginning any repair work.

The next step is to determine what caused the leak. This can be done with a variety of methods, including pressure testing and hydrostatic testing. If your pipes are made from PVC, you may want to use a dye test so that they don’t need to be cut apart during the process.

Drain or Pipe Clogs

If you’re experiencing a clog, it’s best to call in the experts. Clogs can be caused by grease, hair, and other debris that may have accumulated in your pipes. If you don’t clear this out regularly or if these materials are allowed to build up over time, they can cause backups and overflows.

 In addition to being messy and inconvenient for homeowners (and sometimes even dangerous), clogs are often a sign of bigger plumbing issues that need professional attention.

pipe clogs

If you do decide to try unclogging your drain yourself, be sure not to use harsh chemicals or conventional drain cleaners as they can damage pipes and fixtures over time. Instead, opt for natural alternatives such as baking soda and vinegar which will loosen the debris without damaging anything else nearby!

If you have clogged drains, the best thing to do is call a professional plumber. They can use special equipment to clear the blockage and then repair any damage caused by it.

Roots in Pipes

Roots are one of the most common reasons for a clogged drain. If you see roots growing in your pipes, call a plumber to address this issue immediately. Roots can completely block drains and cause pipes to burst, which results in serious water damage—not to mention the risk of flooding your home or injuring yourself.

Roots growing into the drain pipe is another way that roots cause problems with plumbing systems and fixtures around your house. The roots can interfere with normal drainage due to their size and obstructions they create within the pipe itself, causing major problems that often require professional assistance if left untreated for too long!

If you notice a slow drain, be sure to clean the debris out of it. If you continue to find debris in your drain after you have cleaned it, it is probably due to roots growing in your pipes. This can be treated by a professional plumber or by using chemicals that will kill the roots and dissolve them so they don’t return.


If you’re not a professional plumber Werribee, don’t try to fix your own plumbing issues. You can cause more damage if you do not know what you’re doing. It’s always better to call in the professionals when there is an emergency or major issue with your plumbing.

