Online Daily Journal

Accepting The Terms And Conditions Of Service

You are advise to read the Terms of services very precisely before you start using our website. These rules are intended for our company only. By using our services you are bide by its Terms and Conditions. If you don’t agree with the terms of services then you are not allowed to use our services.

Use Of Our Services

By using our services you are not allowed to make misuse of our services and website. You are limited to use it only to definite limits and within the boundaries of laws. If you are found misusing our services then your account is subject to termination or will not allow using services in future.

Even using our services not gives any intellectual property rights to anyone. You are not allowed to use our content or part of content without taking pre-approval & permission from the owner. You are restricted to use our brand and company name.


To avail the benefits of our services you need get registration done. To register your name with us you have to provide us certain details like your name, email address, contact details and other such details. After that you have to choose a password, which you will need every-time to login in our website. If you supply us any wrong details then your account will get suspend or you will not be allowed to use our services in the future.

Termination Of Services

You are granted to terminate our services anytime you want. The changes will be taken into instant actions. Once you delete your account, you no longer get the benefits of our services. After you terminate your account, we also delete all your information and will no longer liable for the deleted content and information.

 Content And Certain Rules

You are responsible for your content and nobody else including our company is responsible for it. You have right to delete the content that you find not appropriate or violating the content policy. While talking about the content policy, you are requested to respect the readers by not using vulgar words, videos or anything that hurts other people.

Privacy Protection

By using our services you agree with our privacy policy. If you find violation of our policies in any form, you are requested to inform us.

Disclaimer Of Warranties

We strive to achieve 100% customer’s satisfaction. We are not responsible for any technical issues. We want to provide you best services but there are certain things about which we can’t give guarantee about. Neither us nor our third party guarantees about specific type of services. We exclude ourselves from implied warranty and non-infringement.


We are not responsibility about any damages, profits, financial losses or any kind of damage. Our liability is limited to the amount of money which you had paid to avail our services if any.

Change Of Terms

Our terms of services are subjected to modification from time to time due to change in law or any change in services. Before hiring our services, you are requested to read the Terms and carefully. In order to stay updated with the terms and conditions, read and understand the terms and conditions regularly.