Online Daily Journal

The term “Privacy policy” means the policy (guidelines) related to the information that you use while accessing our services. It also covers our way of using your information with our partners but it not includes third parties. We are not liable for the action of third party but we make sure to keep your personal information vastly safe & secure. We won’t share your information to anyone without your consent.

We work on the industry standards and thus apply highly secured policies to protect you from any fraud or misuse of your information. For us protecting our client’s trust is our utmost priority.


What kind of information is collected?
How your information is used?


The intention of collecting your information is to provide you enhanced services by figuring out various things about you like people you know, videos you might like, ads that you find useful and other things like that.


To sign-up in our website you need to give us certain information about you. The data you pass us like name, email address, contact details and other details. You can also add your picture to get visibility publicly.


We gather certain information after your use of our services. From the old activities; we use what services you had used and what ads and substance you watch and other such information. We also assemble information about your log in device like operating system, network information and other such information.


We also collect your location information like IP address, GPS and other information. This is done in to solve problems related with IP address and technology problems if arises. Another reason behind this is to block fraud and abuse related thing.


The main purpose to collect such information is to grant protection and make it more user friendly services. From the information we collect from the users like you, are also used to generate services for users by analyzing user services in past. We also try to present customized content by analyzing the use of past services in order to give you more effortless services.


When you browse our website, the data is sent on your website and that piece of data is stored on user website. When you are using website; notification will appear on website whether you accept cookies or not. However if you do not accept the cookies then you can’t use our certain services of website or third party services. We allow access to the cookies to third parties when you browse their website.


Before the users get sign in with us, we do age verification. After the user confirmation that he or she is not a minor as per the law of state or province he or she resides. After that only the further process is proceed further.


There are different privacy concerns in different people’s mind. With us, we provide 100% transparency in whatever information we collect from you along with the choice:

Adjust: You have choice to make in the appearance of your website and can adjust the profile accordingly.

Control: You can also have total control over sharing of your information through our account.

Choice: You have choice whether you want information to be collected about your browsing history or not.

Choice of sharing: With us you have choice to share and remove the content.


We respect your privacy and give you freedom when it comes to sharing the information. Your information is not shared with any outsider companies or individuals except the following:

  1. With your choice and permission, we share your details with outsider company and / or individual.
  2. Legal reason may be another reason; we may have to share your information to stop any fraud and cheating case. In certain legal processes we may ask to share user’s details.
  3. In order to show trend, we may use your non personal information.


This policy is used for every services of our company and for the services of our partners but our policy is not applied on other organizations and companies. We are only responsible for our company.


In order to provide you superior services, our policy may be subjected to regular changes but without your permission we will not change the rights of users.